Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Going Green, How Kids Can Do It

  by Julianna Manville

Going Green is amazing because you can save our planet for the future.

 The way kids can go green is by turning off lights when you're not in that room, turn off water when not in use, and saving trees and plants by not hurting them, and cutting them.  You can recycle bottles and cans and  put them in the trash, or recycling.  And if you are already going green, you can go to your school and try to get your friends and family to go green also.  Pick up trash when you see it, even though it may be yours. 

By going green you can make a big difference.  If you just replace a light bulb with an Energy Star light bulb, you would save enough energy to light a lot more than  3 million homes for at least a year. We have already installed Energy Star light bulbs in many areas in our home.  

Cars fill up 80% of traffic.  If you use public transportation, such as buses, it will lead to improved, and more efficient services, as well as quicker traveling time, due to lower traffic.  There for you can be using less carbon emissions and air pollutants. And then it will prevent greenhouse gases equivalent to the emissions of more than 800,000 cars.  And it will also save you money.

Going Green with Water and Coffee

Get a purifying water pitcher, and fill a bottle for when you’re not at home.  It’s simple, cheaper, and less wasteful.  It’s also been proven that if you’re drinking repeatedly from the plastic bottles, it can cause some little plastic particles to go in your body, which could lead to cancer.

Our trees, plants, and flowers that are original to this area,  provide a habitat for native birds and other animals.  They provide food and shelter.  They use less water, saving you having to use up 265 gallons of water per hour with a sprinkler on.

The next time you go to Starbucks, if you don’t have a travel mug, ask for the porcelain cups, but if you do have a travel mug, use that instead to use over, and over, and over because you will save trees.

Saving Energy

That little red or green light on your T. V. , DVD, stereo, or computer adds up to $100.00 to your electric bill each year. And it creates up to 85 kg of unnecessary greenhouse gas; stand-by power serves no function.  Switch them off at the power point.

Local trade reduces energy that is used in transportation. Rather than doing all your grocery shopping at your super market, you can walk to your local butcher, bakery, and or grocer. It is not that hard to bring a canvas bag with you to your local grocery store , or rather any store so you can put your purchases in there.

Going Green with Seafood

Atlantic flounder, orange rouge, farmed salmon, imported farmed or wild shrimp have all been at risk of overfishing.  Instead… have  Pacific halibut, U.S. farmed catfish, Dungeness crab, and/or Alaskan salmon. You can save endangered species, and protect biodiversity.

Saving Trees

Penn Publication services is committed to environmental stewardship through sustainable purchasing initiatives the recycled content stock and conducting businesses with printers, paper suppliers, and also other partners who are committed to sustainability.    

  I got these ideas from Google, on Going Green, How kids can do it. I chose this topic because , I thought that even though it talks about it on T.V. all the time, maybe I should write about it to get into peoples long term memory. And then people can start going green.


  1. you did an awesome job writing this article
    From EMMA

  2. Great job
