Thursday, January 5, 2012

Mini Schnauzer


                                                                                                                  By Renee Haddad

The Mini Schnauzers are different from many breeds of dogs. First of all they have rectangular

heads, and can be black, white, gray, or salt and pepper.  The breed is popular because the dogs are good family animals.  They have very good noses and love to be around people, especially kids. They have to be trained when they’re young or else they will be hard to train.

The Mini Schnauzer was bred in Germany and shown first as a recognized breed in 1899.   The dogs were first bred to be farm dogs and may be seen in German paintings as far back as the 15th Century.  They’re known for their amazing handsome looks. The Mini Schnauzers are also known by their whiskers and double coat.  They have a hard wiry outer coat and close soft under coat.

Although it’s small in size, the mini schnauzer can give a shout just as well as a larger dog.  They also have a naturally protective nature which makes them an excellent watch dog.  They are also the most known of the three schnauzer breeds, the Giant, the Mini, and the Standard.

Mini schnauzers are amazing animals. They are very popular and loved with their handsome looks and their mini size. That puts them on the top of the scale for amazing animals.

Schnauzers are loving dogs. They are good with kids because they will love to run around and play with you. They are lap dogs and in the toy family.  I think mini schnauzers are the best of the schnauzer breeds and I hope that they are still the best known in the future.


  1. Great job. Love mini schnauzers.

  2. Dear Renee,
    you did a great job writing this article.
    i love dogs
